About OlderCan

As people age the likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer increases. For many older adults, a diagnosis of cancer can present particular challenges associated with physical, functional, social or emotional issues. The Older Can resources have been developed to help older Australians living with cancer, and those close to them, recognise and be better prepared to manage these issues.

The OlderCan resources were developed as part of the Older and Wiser study. The project team worked closely with older patients, their carers and multidisciplinary cancer experts, to develop the OlderCan resources to target prioritised needs identified by older adults.

Older Can encourages older adults to share important information about themselves with their cancer team, their GP and family that may help when making decisions about treatment and care.

Information about how to find the right GP, and where and how to get support after a diagnosis of cancer whether you are the patient or an older carer is included.

OlderCan is hosted on the WeCan website. We Can is an online portal that helps patients and families find reputable information and support services they may need following a diagnosis of cancer.

The Older and Wiser project is a Cancer Australia Supporting people with cancer Grant initiative, funded by the Australian Government.