Supportive Cancer Care | Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

Insurance / financial

Many people affected by cancer say that they experience financial hardship. The links below will take you to services and resources that offer information and advice about where and how to get financial support:

Support information and services

Managing finances

Cancer Council Victoria provide information and advice about managing finances and legal services available to people affected by cancer.

MoneySmart is a government initiative that helps Australians manage their money with free tools, tips and guidance. 

The National Debt Helpline offer free, independent and confidential phone access to financial counsellors.

Financial assistance and support

The Australian Tax Office provides information on the circumstances when you can access your super early. 

Sickness allowance is an Australian government scheme whereby eligible people can access income support payment if they can’t work or study because of illness, injury or disability.

The Salvation Army provide material and financial assistance for people that find themselves in financial hardship.

Anglicare Victoria offers a range of services to address financial hardship. They offer support for homelessness, emergency relief and financial assistance through a range of community programs and initiatives.

The Victorian Government offer a range of concessions for Victorians who are on low incomes or experiencing hardship and need help meeting the cost of living.


Cancer Council Victoria offer information on how people can obtain travel insurance if they have cancer, or whether they can obtain full medical cover if they have had cancer in the past.

The Australian Government provides independent information on how private health insurance works along with services to find health insurers and compare policies.