Getting Support

It can be overwhelming receiving a diagnosis of cancer at any age. Each of us will have different needs and priorities at this time.

Services and resources to support people with cancer and their families are available. Listen to the advice of these older people with cancer about getting support.

Asking for support

“You don’t know what you don’t know. You have to ask to get support”.

Judy, Older and Wiser participant

People with cancer in the Older and Wiser project told us that they found that there are many services and resources available but often these services are not offered. So, you may have to ask to get the right support for you.

As well, there are many diverse cultures and communities in Australia who will have differing needs and expectations regarding getting support. Your community can link you to specific services and support.

Some people find the social aspect and talking with peers in support groups helpful. The sharing of stories and how others cope can be enlightening. Doug and Graham talk about joining a support group in this video: