GP Visits & Telehealth

For some people getting to the GP is challenging. This could be due to distance, limited transport, or feeling too unwell to go out. Ask your GP practice if they offer telehealth services. 

Telehealth is a consultation over the telephone or via a video call which is being used much more in health settings, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This may be an ideal opportunity to talk to your GP about your needs and concerns.


Some GP’s use telehealth for appointments with their patients. Some are also part of telehealth teams where they take part in appointments with a cancer doctor via video, with the patient sitting with them in the GP’s rooms. Some GPs also take part in delivering cancer treatments in the GP surgery under the supervision of cancer doctors via video.  

Telehealth can be of great benefit for older people who live long distances from large cities and hospitals, for some older people who live in aged care facilities, or when it is not be possible to visit specialist cancer doctors in person. 

Although 84% of Australians over the age of 75 years own a smart phone, telehealth consultations may be difficult for some people.  

If you are offered a telehealth appointment ask for instructions about how to use the technology if you haven’t used it before.  

If possible have a practice first. You could also ask a friend or family member to help with using the technology during the telehealth consultation. Many people like to always take a carer or buddy with them to the doctor and telehealth consultations are no different.  

This video will help you with getting started with using Telehealth.